Get to Know the Spirit World With the Persian Medium

Ask, and You Shall Receive, Here’s What You Need to Know About Fiona

Written By: Kiersten Morris
Photography Provided By: Joshua Schuyler of Schuyler Media Persian Medium Fiona

Motivational, high-spirited, positive and focused—these are all the words that describe Fiona, best known as the Persian Medium. She is a celebrity medium with the gift and ability to connect with spirits from the outer world to deliver messages from loved ones who have passed to those who are still present here on earth. Fiona also works closely with law enforcement to uncover unsettling news to help solve mysteries. Not only does she have a sixth sense, but Fiona is a hypnotherapist, holistic healer and is all about positivity and being fearless.

Q: At what age did you realize you had the special gift to connect with the outer world?

Fiona: It was at the age of 7; it was a bit scary but joyful. I could feel what my teacher felt, [what] my mom or grandmother [felt]. My great grandmother had this gift, so she would tell me not to say anything to protect me because I was so little. It was very strange but strong—like angels trying to guide me. I always had someone to talk to. I’ve always been grateful for that energy and blessing.

Q: How did you feel when you first received your first message/connection from a spirit outside of the universe?

F: A friend of mine was with me, and we were playing, and her mom said we have to go. I said, ‘Please don’t go; there may be a car crash.’ Her mom said, ‘No, we have to go, my husband is waiting.’ My grandmother was staring at me with wide eyes. A little later, the husband called and did indeed say they were in an accident. I was only 10 years old. Everyone was shocked that I could predict that. I became very popular after that event, [and] while a great realization at the same time, it was very overwhelming because I was so young. Somehow, I was ready, and it was like an energy was trying to push me [saying something] like, ‘It’s your time.’ I would have to deliver the message, good or bad.

Q: Can you explain to us the difference between a medium and a psychic, if any?

F: As a medium, you are getting energy and are connected to the unknown. Medium antennas are tuned to the energy flow all around us. If you believe in mass-energy transformation, as Einstein famously proved, we are all energy in various forms. A medium is tuned to receive such energy signals, and the art of mediumship is the ability to interpret such messages, images and signals. It can be someone from 100 years ago to 100 million years ago. It does not matter; the energy does not get destroyed. It simply transforms. A medium is a receiving antenna, always connecting from the unknown. When it comes to a psychic, almost 99.9% of people have a psychic ability. The energy is flowing from the inside, not from the outside. It’s all about your subconscious and the connection you have with your third eye. A real psychic can use internal energy and channel it, to connect with the other person’s energy. The two are independent abilities, and, like a two-way street, they can communicate with energy, one from the world beyond and the other from the energy in our inner souls. It is a sign from the universe trying to give you the signs to connect with something or someone.

Q: When picking up on a connection, is there any relevance to how a client feels at the moment to how your mood may be at the time of a reading?

F: It’s actually both. I ask them, ‘What do you want to know?’ This is important for the spirit. The spirits want to communicate with you. Many people want to know about their future. First, they want to know if I’m real or not. Their loved one would tell them something only the spirit and client would know. For example, I told a new client about a specific Italian seafood dish his grandfather made for the family. I had no way of knowing that! Then it’ll be much easier for me to get through, establish the channel and connect the two together.

Q: Now, we know all the news you give isn’t always the best. What feeling do you get when you’re able to deliver a positive message to someone?

F: I am always super happy and super excited. As you know, I am a motivational speaker. I always want people to believe in themselves. I want them to compete with themselves and grow. When you compete with yourself, then you can grow and see how strong you can be. I always tell people [to] be positive, be receptive and have no fear. Your future is not about years from now, but it starts with tomorrow. Your future is built like a wall, brick by brick, as thoughts, dreams and ideas take shape and are put together by the effort put into them.

Q: Being a medium, are you able to predict your own future, or is it only a connection you get from another person?

F: I can feel and sense [that] my mom was going to have cancer. I am grateful that I could feel that and let her know to help her live at least five more years. That was a blessing. I put myself in an accepting mode. It’s not because they are my friends and family; everyone is special. It’s a blessing that I am able to help my family and friends more than others.

Q: What advice would you give to anyone who believes they can connect with a spirit beyond the world?

F: There’s a lot of people who have psychic abilities. Like I said, you just need the right antenna and receiver, which can interpret it. I would say to be open to delivering your message. When you receive a strong message from a spirit, which most people can’t ignore, you always have to deliver the message, whether it’s good or bad. If you choose not to tune in, you’re not going to grow, and the spirit will stop coming and communicating with you because you can’t deliver due to being scared and having anxiety.

Q: Why have you chosen Avid Advice as your place of work?

F: It was actually my client’s choice. I have clients worldwide, so Avid Advice is where they can call me and chat with me. It’s hard to talk through my phone all the time, and some people require more in-depth consultation. So, I have other real physics who are certified and approved by me to give the answers they need and want. Then, they ask if they can see me face to face because I am also a holistic healer and hypnotherapist which allows for a more in-depth search of the origins of issues.

Q: Why did you want to become a medium?

F:   It chose me! I think the first thing that really hit me as a medium is that you constantly receive these messages, which I did not know what they meant or what I should do with them. But I believe I was guided to listen to them and pay attention when a few of these images became a reality or were confirmed by multiple people. I realized that I have a special gift that I have to use in a positive way. I never pick people or go to people—somehow, they come to me. If they ask me, then I will help them. For example, several years ago, I was at a restaurant when a young girl [who was probably] 18 or 19 years old started talking to me. She told me about the glow and aura she saw around me. Long story short, my message to her was to stop being with a married man. She was shocked but confirmed that the strange relationship had taken a toll on her. I would never go and say, ‘Hey, I see you’re having troubles in life.’ If they say, ‘I need your help or spirit guidance,’ then I’ll help. I try to use my mediumship in an amazing and positive way to change people’s lives for the better.

Q: What does a day in the life of Fiona consist of?

F: Every day, I am so thankful. I recommend everyone to say, ‘Thank You’ at least 100 times a day and give others compliments every day. Then you will start receiving miracles. If you say ‘thank you’ to every little thing you have, the universe will send you everything you want and need. People become attracted to you. You’ll ask, ‘What did I do to deserve this?’ Just say thank you for what you have, and don’t focus so much on what you don’t have. Ask, and you will receive!

Q: What are a few of your most significant accomplishments as a medium?  

Helping find missing people is always an intensely rewarding and energizing experience. There is so much at stake for loved ones and friends, and the lack of knowing can be traumatic, so helping bring light to situations like that is always wonderful. When it comes to helping others, sometimes I cannot speak to everyone or see everyone who wants help or answers, which I wish I could do. So, I wrote and published my book, “Recording Your Brain for a Better Life: The Secret to Igniting Your Mind and Achieving Your Dreams,” to help people who are looking to overcome personal challenges and grow by using their own strengths and powers. I want to help people achieve their goals and desires, whether they are my personal clients or simply fans.

Contact Persian Medium on or by email at [email protected].

Persian Medium
Corona Del Mar, CA

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