Rina Magsombol
When it comes to either a boastful laugh or an awkward chuckle, Rina is the girl who can get that out of you, depending on her tendencies for the day and how well you are receptive to lousy jokes. She has been writing for many years, boldly manifesting from undisclosed, cheesy sixth grade poetry about her innumerable eye candies until now, developing into a well-rounded author, contributing to different websites and publications. She is a Journalism graduate from Cal State University of Long Beach and has picked up several freelancing opportunities over the years as a Journalist for local newspapers. Currently, Rina is a contributing writer for local and national viral websites, and a content writer for a company in Orange County. When Rina isn't writing, she is wallowing in quiet moments at home, staying active, and surprising people with how fiercely competitive she gets at chess. This starts to peek through when she starts calling you a “Cheater" and grudgingly knocking down your pawns and bishops.