You Voted! Here Are Your Favorite Plastic Surgeons in Orange County

These Doctors Are Making OC More Beautiful

Written By: Gracie Flowers  Orange County Plastic Surgeons

If anyone were to ask for a personal reference for a plastic surgeon, there’s no doubt that Orange County would be the go-to for any serious candidate. The doctors here have put in years of training in medical school, residencies and fellowships to even begin to approach the level of expertise held in OC. Given the tough competition and high standards, we wanted to narrow down the selection and find the best of the best. Thanks to your votes, we found the top five plastic surgeons in Orange County.

Orange County Plastic Surgeons

Dr. Kevin Sadati

Q: What do you enjoy about working with clients in Orange County?

Dr. Kevin Sadati: Well, the joy is because I have a very specific niche. I do facial rejuvenation, and the beauty of that is that it enhances my ability to improve people’s quality of life. I’m an artist, painter and sculptor and this is like doing my hobby while I’m doing surgery, so it’s exciting.

Q: What do you think makes your practice stand out from the rest?

KS: We have people come to our practice and they say they have never seen a doctor that explains so much about the procedure, cares so much and also has the customer service. That’s our priority.

Q: What has been one of the most memorable moments in your career?

KS: I think my most memorable moment was when I decided to have my own practice instead of working with big groups of plastic surgeons, in Newport Beach in Fashion Island. To dictate how I want to treat my patients, how I’m going to set the standards of customer service to the highest level. And that’s why we’ve won Best of OC three years in a row and now LOCALE, because our standards are very high for customer service and giving people what they came here for.

Q: You perform hundreds of surgeries in a year. How do you de-stress and stay motivated for each of your clients?

KS: It’s simple. It’s a culture that we have in our practice of taking a joy and giving the best service. When you have the right culture and priorities and every individual working towards that goal, and we hire people who have similar goals, I truly enjoy, every day, coming to work.

359 San Miguel Dr, Ste 110
Newport Beach, CA 92660

Dr. Tenley Lawton, Lawton M.D.

Q: How does it feel to be voted one of the top five plastic surgeons in OC?

Dr. Tenley Lawton: I’m pretty proud of it. It’s voted on by my patients, so I feel lucky and humbled by it. Having my patients endorse me is what everybody wants to have because that’s how you have a flourished practice. When you have your patients as the ones who refer you to their loved ones, it’s humbling and kind of awesome.

Q: How does it feel to be the only woman amongst the top five plastic surgeons in OC?

TL: I think it’s pretty amazing because, in this business, most plastic surgeons are men, but most of my patients are women. Being that the patients are women and mothers, I feel the reason why I’m in this group, being a female, is that I become more relatable to them. I think working with my patients hand-in-hand and understanding what they’re going through after having kids speaks volumes, and I think that’s why I was nominated with the rest of my colleagues.

Q: What do you enjoy about working with clients in Orange County?

TL: I’m raising my kids here in Orange County, so I’m a mom here. I see my patients from time to time in the grocery store. I see them on the soccer field. So, I feel like I have a really good understanding of what they want, what they’re looking for, and I can completely relate to them because I’m in that same age range as a lot of my patients. I feel like giving them a local feel and inside perspective is important to them and important to me.

Q: What has been one of the most memorable moments in your career?

TL: Graduating from my plastic surgery program makes me super proud because I was the first woman who was ever admitted to that program and graduated from that program. So having more women in this field…it would just make perfect sense to me to have a female surgeon when operating on female body parts. So, I think it’s really inspiring to have more women in this field.

361 Hospital Rd, Ste 329
Newport Beach, CA 92663

Orange County Plastic Surgeons

Dr. Justin West, Finesse Plastic Surgery

Q: How does it feel to be voted one of the top five plastic surgeons in OC?

Dr. Justin West: We’ve got tons of plastic surgeons here, and anytime you get voted amongst the top of a big group of people, it’s super flattering.

Q: What do you think makes your practice stand out from the rest?

JW: I think the difference is how we treat people. There are plastic surgeons who are technically proficient and plastic surgeons who are not. There are plastic surgeons who are nice people and plastic surgeons who are not. I think the difference for me is that I was raised in medicine, my father was a surgeon, and he taught me first and foremost to treat people well. I think technically we’re very good, but I think above all that we treat people exceptionally well.

Q: How did your parents’ medical careers inspire you to pursue your own medical career?

JW: My earliest memories are my dad coming home in scrubs and talking about stories of things he did in the operating room. I started going into the operating room with him when I was 14 years old and what I saw was someone who loved his job. My mom was a nurse, an OR (operating room) nurse. I grew up around surgical people so the language they spoke made sense to me, the job made sense to me.

Q: What has been one of the most memorable moments in your career?

JW: I think that recently I’ve been approached by a lot of patients for gender-reassignment. It’s a profound thing to be a part of. This really delicate and sensitive part in their life and to be able to help them through the technical part of that but also be emotionally supportive…it really stands out.

230 S Main St, Ste 210
Orange, CA 92868

Dr. Raymond Lee, FACEOLOGYMD

Q: How does it feel to be voted one of the top five plastic surgeons in OC?

Dr. Raymond Lee: Newport Beach and Orange County are known as some of the finest locations for plastic surgery in the nation. The residents here want to look and feel their best. We have some of the best plastic and facial plastic surgeons working and living here. It’s an honor to be selected among the best. This reflects our high patient satisfaction rates and quality of patient care from my staff and me. We are very proud to be selected.

Q: Your education and career has taken you to Chicago, Miami, and Indianapolis. What brought you to the West Coast?

RL: With my education and training, I have had the opportunity to live in some amazing cities across the US. My family is what brought me back to Southern California. Fortunately, my family is near Orange County, where we have great weather all year-round, the ocean and a cool beach culture.

Q:  What do you think makes your practice stand out from the rest?

RL: FACEOLOGYMD focuses exclusively on plastic surgery of the face and neck. Specifically, we focus on facial rejuvenation procedures, both surgical and non-surgical. I have performed over 4,000 face and neck lifts. I also perform the procedure uniquely under local anesthesia and oral sedation. We feel that we do get the nicest and most grateful patients.

Q: Can you tell us about your experience volunteering at children’s hospitals in Cambodia and the Dominican Republic?

RL: Volunteering to help children from third world countries is a humbling experience. Often, we get caught up in trying to achieve and enjoy the perfect OC lifestyle. It is important to travel and see the world, both in its riches and poverty. We need to keep our eyes open and help others in need. Giving to others in need by donating my time and expertise is the least I can do.

1401 Avocado Ave, Ste 610
Newport Beach, CA 92660

OrangeCounty Plastic Surgeons

Dr. Jeffrey Joseph, Jeffrey Joseph M.D.

Q: How does it feel to be voted one of the top five plastic surgeons in OC?

Dr. Jeffrey Joseph: It’s an honor to be included on the list with such talented and accomplished surgeons. I think it says something about the specialized approach that I take to be the only eyelid specialist to be included on that list, so I was very honored to be included in that way.

Q: What do you enjoy about working with clients in Orange County?

JJ: Well, I grew up in Southern California, and the culture of Orange County is something that I really enjoy. The people are down-to-earth and relaxed, and it really fits with the type of practice that I have. The best part of working in Orange County is that you have people that are very in tune with the outdoors and the healthy, natural lifestyle. It really fits with the product that we provide here at our practice.

Q: What inspired you to pursue ophthalmology?

JJ: When I was in medical school and deciding what area I wanted to specialize in, ophthalmology really stood out to me because of the immense difference you can make in the day-to-day lives of the patient’s you’re treating. There’s really no more important sense that we have than our vision, and when you’re doing things on the eyes themselves or around the eyes, that’s really the focus of what I’m trying to provide to people. Even when we’re doing cosmetic surgery, the main focus I have is in making sure that we preserve the health of the eyes and the vision.

Q: You participate in a lot of seminars and even teach as an associate professor at UC Irvine. Why is this important to your practice as a plastic surgeon?

JJ: I’ve always enjoyed teaching. Whether it’s to your patients and explaining to them what their issue is and the best way to go about taking care of it, or if it’s at a seminar teaching nurses, teaching technicians, teaching optometrists or teaching other physicians about the area that I specialize in. In addition, being a professor at UC Irvine means that I get to participate in the education of the residents and fellows that are currently there, and be a part of them and help them become better physicians and surgeons, and help them reach their goals.

180 Newport Center Dr, Ste 158
Newport Beach, CA 92660

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