How to Do Plant-Based Like a Pro

The Creator of Choosing Chia Dishes Her Healthy Cooking Tips 

Written By: Allie Lebos
Photography Provided By: Claudia Martel Choosing Chia

Jessica Hoffman, founder of the highly successful health and wellness blog Choosing Chia, created her platform in hopes of sharing plant-based recipes that help others live a healthier and happier lifestyle. In order to maintain variety and tastiness, Jessica follows a few rules that keep her readers busy with new and exciting vegan and vegetarian options. These tips for cooking healthy and delicious plant-based meals will guide you on your next mindful culinary journey.


Embrace the Veggie

Always start by filling up half your plate with veggies.”


Taste the Rainbow

Different colored fruits and veggies will have different vitamins and nutrients in them, so the more options you expose yourself to, the more benefits you will reap.


Spice It Up Choosing Chia

Don’t be afraid to add spices and seasoning. In addition to making your dishes taste amazing, spices will also help add variety to the same ingredients.” 


Top It Off Choosing Chia

Add some protein. Chickpeas, lentils, nuts, seeds and soy are all great options. Protein will help keep you feeling full!” 


Organic Is Important

“Always shop organic when you can. Many crops like soy are highly sprayed with harmful chemicals and pesticides, so it is best to avoid this when attempting to live healthy and happy.” 


Jessica Hoffman 

Allie Lebos graduated from the University of California, Santa Barbara in 2017 with a BA in Communication. While in school she was a staff writer at The Daily Nexus for nearly two years. Since graduating she has written for The Palisades Magazine, as well as Hidden Hills Magazine. Currently living in Santa Monica, Allie loves to indulge in good food, hot yoga, and daily walks along the beach; writing articles on travel, special events, as well as features on local businesses and individuals.




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