B’CAUSE You Can (and Should) Pursue Your Dreams as a Fashion Designer According to These Los Angeles Business Owners

B’CAUSE Owners and Co-Founders Share Pearls of Wisdom to Future Clothing Designers

Photography Provided By: This Wild Romance Photo B’CAUSE Sisters

Experts: Brittney Osborne & Bridgette Sanossian
Credentials: Owners and Co-Founders, B’CAUSE

Dear Future Designers,

We are so honored to write you—you should feel so invigorated at this very moment in your accomplishments thus far. 

We write to you in the hope that you’re finally looking at this career choice as the one you’ve been called to be in—to be an example of true value systems and to stand strong in your foundation of virtues. Remember, fashion is more than just clothes—it’s an embodiment of expressing character. So, don’t worry so much if someone will like what you make. Get excited about how you’re going to help someone express themselves—on their best and worst days! Put your heart into each piece and think through the functionality so your muse is feeling confident in every way.

Stay away from feeling like “you only work in fashion” and use your environment as a motivator to positively influence the business you are in. The difference between you and another designer isn’t competition—it is how you uniquely craft your story and what you are inspired by.

Design isn’t about adhering to a set of rigid guidelines. It is about being unafraid to try. Often, we forget our purpose. Take the time to sit in silence, humble yourself and remember your purpose is ever-evolving as is our lives.

If ever you feel lost, which you will, of all the loud voices to listen to, listen to God, your creator. Always know the path you are on but be prepared to pivot. You’ll come to find life is all about the pivot. 

Seek to be brave, wiser and more resilient. We all have the choice to fill our cups with worry, fear and anxiety, but isn’t it so much more fulfilling to fill it with joy, adventure and freedom?

Leave typical behind. You are so much more than that! B’CAUSE Sisters


B+B B’CAUSE Sisters

Brittney Osborne

Bridgette Sanossian

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